VACUUM & SUCTION TRUCK Truckboxes are available in the box sizes MINI, MIDI, PLUS and TISSUE BOX.
To get more info about the TISSUE BOX please see the page dedicted to Truckbox Tissue Box.
Truckbox MINI: the smallest gift box in our standard offer is perfect for a few chocolate pralines, a USB flash drive, a small flashlight etc. Standard production starts from 200 boxes.
Truckbox MIDI: a gift box for small items like a small bottle of wine, olive oil, golf balls, chocolate, a flashlight, etc. Standard production starts from 200 boxes.
Truckbox PLUS: a gift box perfect for a wine bottle, champagne bottle, beer bottle, or olive oil. It will also fit chocolate. It can also be used for a T-shirt, umbrella and smaller utems such as a bag of peanuts or a small jar of Pâté. Standard production starts from 50 boxes.
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We will contact you to to discuss the details of graphic works, inform you about the costs for transportation. To learn more about Graphic Works and/or Transportation Costs please visit our Prices & Inquiry section.